

Monday night the Kings of Leon were playing at the Norfolk TED. I will admit, all I knew of the band was that they had a song on Gossip Girl and that they were on the cover of Rolling Stone this month. Scott and I decided to head over to his friend Mikes house after work to grill out some tasty bratwursts and burgers and play some cornhole before the concert. Mike lives close enough to the venue that we were able to walk and meet some of the neighbors ;-) One house's dog decided to get loose and walk with us/jump on us, another house with 10 people spending some "quality time" on their front porch wanted to know how long we'd been together, and another guy riding his bike asked Scott how he was doing. Scott, following the rule of "never talk to strangers (especially in norfolk)", ignored the guy. With a little more aggression the second time around, the guy asked how he was doing and Scott politely answered.
Since the concert was a last minute decision, we tried to find people selling tickets when we arrived safely at the TED. As we walked around, we totally got snubbed by three people passing out fliers to an afterparty. Scott said they sized us up and realized we weren't worthy of attending. It might have been that I wasn't wearing shorts that enabled the lower portion if my gluteus maximus to be exposed, so I will proudly take the blame.
We ended up finding two couples that had suite level tickets so we bought those and enjoyed the concert from the comfort of plush seats with no one in front of us to obstruct our view, a bathroom with no line, and our own waitress.
I learned a lot about the KOL since Scott read the Rolling Stone article and knowing some of their background made the conert even more enjoyable. All together a wonderful concert experience and a fabulous Monday night out!!!!