Grandma (Grammie) and Grandpa
BIG smile for her Aunt Michelle
Proud Papa (She was less than an hour old in this picture)
Ready to go home in her Winnie the Pooh outfit
Visit from Great-GrandPA
Sleeping like an angel
I'm an aunt!!!!! Callie Mae was born on Wednesday April 8th and things have been so crazy since that morning that I haven't had a moment to update my blog. However, a friendly reminder from my friend in Australia (Thanks Dion ;-) quickly moved it to the top of my "to do" list.
I received a call from Matt at 8:30 am on Wednesday to let me know he and Amanda were at the hospital, but that Amanda was only 2 cm dilated. Already at work, I continued with my morning and kept my phone with me for any news. Unexpectedly, I got a call from Amanda at 10:30 to let me know she had quickly progressed to 9 cm and was getting ready to push in about an hour. I quickly left work, swung by home to change and grab a book for the waiting room, and headed straight to the hospital. Expecting things to be crazy when I arrived at Virginia Beach General at 12 noon, I sent Matt a text to let him know I would be in the waiting room. He called back immediately and gave me permission to come back to the labor and delivery room. To my surprise and absolute excitement, I walked in to see Amanda holding Callie!!! She had been born at 11:39 am and was 7lbs 7oz and 19 inches long. Both sets of Grandparents, having all been on the road since 7:00am, arrived shortly after.Amanda, Matt and Callie were sent home the next afternoon and had their first visitors: my cousins Katie and Lauren, and my Grandfather Pa from Carson.
Callie had her first dinner party and road trip to visit me on Saturday evening. My mom and I cooked an early Easter dinner for Amanda's parents, my dad, and Matt and Amanda. We had a "Welcome" cake for Callie and sang Happy Birthday :-) Callie even dress for the occasion with a little pink prima ballerina onesie with a tutu attached!
Expecting nothing less from a Spiers girl, Callie has already made her first trip to the mall at the young age of 5 days :-)
My Uncle Don, Aunt Laura, and Ma-maw are coming to Virginia Beach this weekend to meet the new addition.
It's has definitely been a fun filled and eventful week in Virginia Beach!
Other updates:
I love 24 and am still a huge Jack Bauer fan (Tony-not so much).
I think I like the whole Michael Scott Paper Co. spin.
I worked this weekend so I get to take Thursday off to help Amanda out if needed.
I'm going to Colley Cantina tomorrow to celebrate our 2 new RD's.
Scott showed me his pictures from India Sunday night and it really makes me wish I could get Oprah to fund my living so I can just do missions trips and volunteer work for the rest of my life!