I've also been stopping by to see Matt, Amanda, the boys, and Callie a lot recently. She gets even more adorable every day and is doing so many new things. She's almost figured out crawling although she loves to stand so much that in order to move she tries straightening one leg which causes her to topple to one side and end up in a seated position. She can pull herself up in her crib like it's nothing by grabbing the rails. She's all about the cats and I know she's going to be a little terror once she gets the crawling down. There are many other exciting things going on that I don't want to spoil for grammy and grampy on the blog so you'll have to wait until after Thanksgiving break to get those updates :-)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Since I'm going to be gone the next 3 weekends and spending Christmas at the Beach this year, I thought it would be best to get started this past weekend with my decorating. Unfortunately, I did it in a t-shirt with my screen door open cause it was in the mid 70's- I still played the Christmas music station though. Here's a picture of the VT tree in my office. The big tree will go up tonight or tomorrow since I always need assistance with that monster.