Halloween turned out to be a last minute event....... Scott didn't find out until Monday what his rotation schedule was going to be, so until I knew he was coming, i planned on being a German Beer Girl thanks to my roomie letting me borrow her costume from last year. Scott had planned to be a German Baker in honor of his Grandpa Schmeissing, but the costume didn't come together. SOOOOOOO........ swine flu it was. I ran out Saturday morning and bought pink t-shirts- yes, i bought them- no, Scott did not already own his contrary to many of his friends jokes!!!! I sewed on the H1 and N1, made myself some hooves and piggy ears, and made us both piggy tails. Then, for a last minute accessory we added a bottle of purrell hand sanitizer around our necks. We had a blast going out down at the ocean front with Mary, Pat, Harrison and the old gang. It was an early night since Scott had worked the day and night before and morning of Halloween, but we packed lots of dancing and picture taking into our evening :-)