I know I haven't even begun to catch up with the events of the past month and I am leaving out blogs from the Spiers Family trip to Myrtle Beach, Scott and my one year anniversary, and a weekend visit from Kyle and Janelle. However, in the spirit of trying to keep my blog current, I feel it's important to make a recent update.
Matt and Amanda's precious "little" Oliver is home from an 8 day stay at the vets office. It was pretty scary and I can only imagine how Matt and Amanda felt. He went in almost two weeks ago for surgery to take out little tumors in both of his ears. When he came out of being sedated and was sent home, he couldn't hear, walk, or eat :-( Matt and Amanda force fed him for 2 days which was a huge struggle and had to take him back twice to get fluid boluses and have the medications adjusted. In a nutshell, what happened was they think he had vertigo from the surgery which caused him to not want to eat or move. Because he didn't eat for 2 days, and is slightly overweight to begin with, he got fatty liver and that prevented him from getting any medications for the vertigo. Basically a vicious cycle with no positive endpoint so they took him into the vet, placed a feeding tube, and monitored his liver enzyme levels for 8 days. I went over to watch SYTYCD and Glee last night and Ollie had come home yesterday afternoon. He was opening his eyes, purring, eating, and walking. It was such a blessing to see him up and about and happy. He still has the feeding tube, but has an appointment tomorrow to hopefully get that removed if he's eating well. It was so wonderful to see him home and doing better!!!!
Our other little miracle, Callie, is continuing to grow and develop both physically and mentally and is so much fun to play with and watch!