On our way up from Charleston, Scott dropped me off in Raleigh for our annual HT weekend and he headed to Wilmington for a few days to see a high school friend and Staunton for the rest of the weekend for a wedding.
Krista always does a fabulous write up of our girly trips that we hope to one day make into a book. Here is the first paragraph from her writeup:
"This year we decided to take our annual HT trip down to Raleigh, NC, the home of our very own Nadja Young. Most of us had never been down to see Nadja, and since she and Tones just had their baby girl, Gabrielle, three months prior…we decided this was the perfect place to go.
To summarize this trip quickly I’d say that we ate a lot of great food for not a lot of money, laughed constantly, got little sleep (especially Nadja), and left feeling even more blessed for the amazing friendships that we have."
The detials:
We all arrived at different times on Thursday and since I was the first, Scott and I got to fully take in Nadja and Tony's guest room called "The Young Hall of Fame" and spend some quality time catching up with the Young family. I could see Scotts eyes light up and the wheels start turning when he walked into the hall of fame (see picture below). By Thursday evening, everyone had arrived, we caught up briefly then headed off to bed.
Friday morning started with a yoga class where Amanda rocked our instructor to the point that the instructor was asking her what some of the moves were called. After going home and changing, we went to lunch at a famous BBQ spot called "The Pit" which has been featured on food network. In true HighTech style, we stuffed our faces and ordered pretty much everything on the menu, down to the grilled tofu. We then headed to the most wonderful farmers market I have ever seen. There were stands upon stands of fresh produce and they even had a pork shop with any part of the pig fixed any ways you could ever need it to be sold.
We all went home and slept for about 2 hours. When we woke up we headed to the Red Room for a wonderful Tapas dinner with sangria and then went to a bar down the street to do some dancing. The style in Raleigh is different than anything I have ever seen and I felt like I was at an 80's prom (but trashier). After Krista and Nadja made their radio debut with an MC that was broadcasting from the bar, we decided to call it a night.
Saturday started with a wonderful family breakfast where we all chipped in and Tony bossed us around in true polygamist style. Diva continued to sleep since she was his "trophy wife".
After breakfast we got ready for our hilariously yummy food tour of Raleigh where we saw houses of distant relatives of famous people and heard the history of the three presidents that North Carolina MIGHT be able to claim ;-)
The best part of the culinary tour was when a single male approached our table of -in his words-"attractive women" hoping that one of us would "be able to accompany him to The Sound of Music that evening". Being that the sound of music was amanda's favorite growing up, we nominated her to go and she happily accepted. When he arrived at the house we had a formal interview where we found out his last name, age, profession, family history, dating history, license plate, and even facebook friended him before he left to make sure our friend was safe. Long story short, the night went great, they still talk often, she has met his parents, and he is flying out to Texas to see her next weekend- seriously!
That night, while Amanda was on her date, we had a bonfire, smores, pizza, and played games at the house. We had a blast and stayed up until 2:30 or 3 catching up, watching old dance videos, and being silly.
Sunday morning was a magnificent brunch and baby shower for Krista who is expecting a little boy the beginning of January. After tearful goodbyes, we all headed separate ways to be followed by many emails, pictures, stories and plans of our next trip.
It was a wonderful weekend and we all missed Lauren, who wasn't able to make it to this trip, tremendously. It was not the same without her and we all look forward to spending our next trip together all healthy and happy.