I know, I know. I am so very behind in Blogging. It's just that December was so jam packed with fun that I wanted to spend every moment enjoying it rather than blogging about it. So now it's time for updating....... December started out with a weekend trip to Florida. Scott had interviews in Gainesville and Jacksonville. Since he had to get a rental car, we decided to make a mini vacation of it and go to Disney in the middle. I can not even begin to tell you how much fun we had. LOTS!!!!!! We visited Downtown Disney, ate at planet hollywood, and spent all day Saturday in the parks. When I say all day, I mean from 9:00am when the parks opened to 1am the next day. In fact, Magic Kingdom closed at 1am, but we snuck into the last show at one of the theaters and technically we were there until 1:30 to closed the place down. It was indescribable to leave an empty park and be able to look down main street with NOONE blocking the perfect view of Cinderellas Castle. It's something that only the people of HGTV get to see and the handful of Disney troupers, an elite group in which Scott is now officially a member ;-)
Just to give you an idea of our day- we did all four parks in 16 hours. We rode (deep breath) expedition everest, animal kingdoms safari, spaceship earth, journey into imagination, test track, mission space, dinosaurs (with my eyes closed), winnie the pooh, mickey's philharmagic, snow white, buzz lightyear, jungle cruise, space mountain, peterpan, haunted mansion, big thunder mountain, splash mountain, pirates of the caribbean, tower of terror, rock 'n roller coaster, great movie ride, star tours, narnia, and the disney walking tour. 24 rides/shows in 16 hours. For anyone who has ever been to Disney, you know how amazing and almost impossible that is. It was a magical time and we hobbled out of the park with smiles on our faces.
Scotts interviews went well too! :-)