Christmas day this year started with waking up to fix homemade cinnamon rolls, which were so worth the interrupted sleep, plus I was anxious to see what Santa brought me ;-) Mom made sausage and grits casseroles and we headed over to Matt and Amanda's. When we got there, Callie had already opened a few presents and Don and Donna (Amanda's parents) had arrived. The day was spent eating, watching movings, and opening presents in between Callies naps. I could post a million pictures of Callie unwrapping presents because that was by far her favorite part of her first Christmas. My personal favorites were my earrings from Matt and Amanda, the Glee CD, Snuggies and travel scrabble, Red Door Spa gift card from dad, my bracelet and pendant from Scott, some fabulous tops from mom, and shoe and laptop money once I decide what I want. It was a wonderfully relaxing day spent with the people I love most.