I got to spend last night with my girl while Matt was in DC and Amanda went to her Zumba class. We did a little of everything over the two hours I watched her, including a 30 minute nap. I worry that I'm going to make my own kids ADD whenever I have them because the slightest sign of her getting bored and we were on to the next toy or activity. She has turned into quite the mama's girl and I hate for her to get fussy without Amanda there to pass her over to. We had a blast though and there was no fussiness except when she got ready for her nap. I stayed the night over there to watch SYTYCD and Glee with Amanda and then I got to wake up and wish Callie a Happy half year birthday :-) I can't believe it has already been 6 months!
Here are some pictures of our play time and bath time last night...... Only the modest shots get posted on the blog, but don't worry, i did get some pics of her doing a naked Micheal Jackson grab in the tub that will get shown when she's a teenager ;-)

Pumpkin Bath toy from Grammy and Grampy

Happy 6 months :-)