This past Saturday was the perfect weekend day. After a nice quick morning at work, I went over to Matt and Amanda's for a family fun day. The three girls went to lunch and out shopping while Matt listened to the VT game on the radio and watched the UVA game on the tele. Callie isn't quite up to the full Spiers shopping potential yet, so after Amanda and I wore her out, she took a nap at home while Matt watched some more football and Amanda and I headed out to the farmers market. They had gorgeous mums, pumpkins, cornstalks, produce stands, and we may have even indulged in a little South Mountain Creamery ice cream :-)
When we got back home Matt and Callie were ready to head out to the Hunt Club Farms Fall Festival in south Virginia Beach. They had chickens, roosters, bunnies, and all sort of animals roaming around. There was also a petting farm, hayride, and lots of little rides, but Callie will have to be patient and wait a few years for those. She was actually thoroughly entertained and content looking up at the trees on the hayride :-) After the outing, we went home to watch some more football and go to dinner at a local mexican restaurant.
Side note- while we were in the restaurant, Amanda noticed a guy in the check-out line with a concealed weapon that was not so well concealed in his pants. It actually gave me a very uneasy feeling.
1. why did he need a gun in the restaurant
2. was he sane enough to be carrying a gun around
3. what if some other crazy person had grabbed it and started shooting.
I'm totally for the right to bear arms with obvious rules, restrictions, and guidelines, but seeing someone out in a public place that was less than 10 feet away from us while we're havng a quiet dinner was a little unnerving.
Besides that it was a GREAT day with my Brother, Sister-in-law, and Neice to kick off the fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The "little furry pigs" Amanda saw at the farm. Matt and I thought they looked more like bunnies ;-)
Notice Matt's Peanuts Halloween Tshirt :-)
Callie's not so sure about the scarecrow
Cutie Pie in her little Ghost Onesie