and a reception site, photographer, and soon will decide on a DJ. I am having so much fun planning and it's everything I always thought it would be :-)
I went to the beach last night and met up with Matt, Amanda, and Callie. Amanda had a volleyball game and Matt and I took Callie to the playground. She was interested for a while and then, as my brother said "like a baby seaturtle", she found her way to the ocean. She walked slowly through the sand while maintaining her balance on the new turf. When she got within sight of the water, she made a beeline. She splashed around with Matt for a little while, then Amanda came and joined us, took Callie's clothes off, and she splashed away in just her diaper. I will have to post pictures when I get them from off their camera. Then, while Amanda was playing, Matt put Callie up on the boardwalk and she walked along like it was a tightrope. There are fabulous pictures and video of that as well. I think she will be going to cheer for Amanda on a weekly basis!