Prayer Request
Leavin'....on a Midnight Train to Indy
Scott and I went to Indianapolis this weekend to find a place for Scott to live for the next 3 years while he's in residency. We starting the day off with two super fratty run down places asking WAY too much just because of the location. After seeing those two and some of the more scary southern streets, we found a keeper. The house does have a smaller kitchen than I am use to and don't even get me started on the lack of closet space :-) Luckily, we'll have a huge basement that I will be putting shelves in and rotating my clothes out seasonally. I'm already working on bags to give away to Goodwill in preparation for my move out there when the time comes ;-) The house has a detached garage, a sunroom, and a covered back with a fenced in back yard for our imaginary puppy that I think will appear within the next year.
The weekend was a huge success. We arrived at 3:30 Friday afternoon and signed the lease at 2:00 Saturday. It was perfect! Scott and I were able to explore the Broad Ripple area where the house is located, went out with Isaiah (Scott's friend from college and our gracious host for the weekend) and his friends, went to College Park Church which was fabulous, cooked lunch and dinner, watched movies, played cards, and explored the downtown area all before we left at 6:00 on Monday.
Here are some pictures with descriptions......
Callie Mae Turns One
I feel like just yesterday I started this blog in anticipating of all the fun and exciting events of 2009. One of my favorite posts was when Callie was born on April 8th :-) We were all able to celebrate her first birthday together this year- Mom, Dad, Don, Donna, Me, Scott, and Amanda's friends Ginny and Harry. Even the Schumachers were able to sing Happy Birthday and have cake and ice cream with us via Skype! Matt grilled out, dad brought his bubble machine, and Callie sporadically opened gifts until she was too overwhelmed to open any more. Here are just a few of the many wonderful pictures from the day......


Match Day

Soooooo, I have good news. Scott got into his first choice for residency which is Indiana University in Indianapolis. He will move in June 4th, start orientation July 1st, and be there for 3 years. It's a great program for him because academics and sport medicine are two of their strength in which he is interested. It's great for me because when he interviewed there he found out that the wives love to cook and they have dinner parties and cookoffs. Also, the shift work is based on circadian rhythm so he won't be flip flopping from nights to days.
I've included a few links to show how crazy match day was. Match day is when all med students across the country, after 4 months of interviewing, find out where they are going to be for residency. EVMS chooses a theme each year and everyone dresses up. Their name is called and they go on stage one by one to get an envelope with their match listed inside, but they can't open it until everyone has been called. Doctors definitely don't do anything half way either. The theme this year was "Characters Welcome" and I think Scott and his friends worked on theirs for a week straight. They did Ghostbusters, then changed into Top Gun, then changed into NKOTB- with a Mich choreographed routine ;-) The jersey shore girls did some serious and expensive tanning. You'll also see dodgeball, avatar, back to the future, Mr. T and a bunch of other cool costumes.
Here are some links for your enjoyment:
NBC Coverage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0w75iPAvEA) notice at the 26 second mark, Scotts friend Tyler gets nailed in the privates in the yellow dodgeball outfit. Also, at the end, the broadcaster says "I'm just glad that wasn't the OR"
ABC Coverage (http://www.wvec.com/video/featured-videos/Match-Day-at-EVMS-88404382.html) Go to where there's 1:23 second to go and you will see a very Top Gun volleyball-scene-esque Scott shirtless high-5ing . I couldn't be more proud :-)
US air, Airtran, and Southwest fly super cheap to Indianapolis ;-)