After an all day drive from Atlanta, with a stop at Crawfishtown USA along Interstate 10 for dinner, we arrived at Scott's Uncle Phil and Aunt Linda's home in Houston. The next morning we got up, went to church, had a wonderful lunch at a mexican restaurant and toured Houston with Phil. We went to Discovery Green, the medical center, the location where the battle of San Jacinto occurred, and the water wall by the galleria mall. After a fun day of sightseeing, we arrived home and Linda had made an amazing dinner of crablegs, crabcakes, and homemade tomato soup. Phil made homemade tartar sauce and cocktail sauce, which I hope Scott learned how to do while he was there because it was really yummy! We also made Happy Birthday videos to send to Scott Cousin Kara and his Grandfather who were both having birthday's the following week. I'm sure they wondered who the random girl in the video was since they have never met me, but I was honored to be a party of the Birthday wishes! I left for an all day flight back to Virginia on Monday morning and spent a chunk of my day reading "Captivating" and exploring the Atlanta airport.