Scott and I went to Dearborn, MI (right outside of Detroit) this weekend for Ryan and Ashley's wedding. The weather was perfect and it was so much fun to meet some of Scott's buddies from College. We flew out at 6:30 Friday morning, which meant a wake up time of 5 AM!!! I was so excited to travel with Scott as this was our first airplane trip together. As the plane was getting ready to take off, I turned to Scott to find him sound asleep against the window- a position that he kept for the next hour and a half until we landed :-) Our layover in JFK was a little hectic as we booked it to our terminal only to sit on the plane for an hour due to an "electrical system malfunction". Once things were "working" we were apprehensively in the air and on our way to our destination. Upon our safe arrival in Detroit, we were picked up by Ryan and Ashley (as if they didn't have a million other things to do on the day before their wedding) and they took us to The Dearborn Inn, a gorgeous hotel across from the Henry Ford Museum where out of town guest were staying and the reception was to be held . We settled in and Scott went to get his tux as I explored the hotel and gardens. Once the men arrived with their tuxes, we went bowling with the bridal party, went to the rehearsal, had a wonderful rehearsal dinner at a deep dish pizza place, and watched the Stanley Cup finals at a bar with a bunch of RedWings fans {YIKES!}. Exhausted, we went back to the hotel where I crashed from our early morning departure and Scott stayed up to finish his best man speach.
The wedding day started bright and early with breakfast for the bridal party @ 7am and a departure time of 8:15 for Scott and 9:30 for me for a 10:30 wedding. The ceremony was beautiful, Ashley was gorgeous, Ryan was in attendance, and Scott didn't lose the ring- altogether- a very successful morning :-) The afternoon from 12-4 was filled with lunch, Scott's perfect best man speech, and lots of dancing and mingling. We left the hotel for the airport and flew back to Norfolk at 7:30pm with a stop in Charlotte for dinner, getting us back home at exactly midnight. A very quick weekend that was packed with fun and memories.
A few examples below ;-)