A few items to discuss:
1. Logan is still in the hospital, doing well, but still fighting so your continued prayers are very appreciated!
2. Callie just gets cuter every day and is snuggly and funny and becoming a little copy cat. I realized the other night that our wedding is going to be a week before her 2nd birthday so I may be flying from the Honeymoon back to Va Beach to celebrate before officially moving to Indy ;-)
3. I have to say a million thanks to my mom and dad who are doing a lot of legwork for our wedding today! I could not plan this wedding from afar without them. I promise once we get Scott out to IN I will have all the time in the world to come home and we can do all the fun stuff together!!!!
In one hour I take Scott to go have surgery on his knee. He retore his medial meniscus and wanted to have the surgery done by the surgeon he knows here. I get to play nurse the next few days since it's easier for him to stay here than crutch up to his 3rd floor apartment. He already has his office set up in the living room for the next few days :-) Then, a week from today we get the moving truck and start packing up to leave on Thursday for IN.
May has been a wonderfully full month :-)
Off to the hospital.........................